Earlier ripening clone, low yield, low acidity and appreciated in Beaujolais. Well suited to the production of wines for ageing. Avoid sectors and blends with rootstocks that promote precocity.
Available in: VineTech Select, VineTech GrowerSelect, VineTech International, VineTech QuickVine
Clone Characteristics
- Fertility: Low
- Production Level: Low
- Cluster Weight: Medium
- Vine Vigor: Low
- Berry Size: Medium
- Botrytis Sensitivity: Medium to high
Wine Characteristics
- Sugar Potential: High
- Colour Potential: Medium
- Acidity: Low
- Tannic Structure: Medium to high
- Oenological Characteristics: Balanced, aromatic and fairly full-bodied wines.
More Gamay noir All information has been provided by VineTech’s genetics providers.