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Why is GPS planting the right choice for your vineyard?


  • Precise planting ensures long-term compatibility with vineyard mechanization, and lays the groundwork for automation within your vineyard
  • With optimal field layout and soil conditions, our crew is capable of planting over 15,000 vines per day
  • Our team can install stakes and plant vines at the same time, streamlining the planting process and removing an additional step for you


  • In ideal conditions, our GPS planting equipment achieves precision within +/- 1cm for both row and vine spacing
  • This accuracy remains consistent across varied topography, ensuring optimal vine placement
  • Precision planting also simplifies alignment for future plantings, creating a seamless, picture-perfect vineyard layout

Vineyard Health

  • Root depth and placement are consistent and uniform to minimize “J-rooting”, promoting faster establishment and enhancing vineyard longevity
  • Precise planting reduces the risk of damage from mechanical equipment, especially multi-row implements

GPS Planting Services


  • VineTech first purchased a Wagner Laser planter in 1998 and offered custom planting services for a number of years. From then our adoption of the ground-breaking GPS planter offered by Wagner came in 2008. After over 25 years of mechanical planting and over 15 years operating a Wagner GPS planter we have gained significant insight into the planting process.
  • We currently operate two Wagner Pflanzen-Technik GmbH GPS Planters. Each planter takes advantage of highly accurate Real Time Kinetic technology that affords the equipment the ability to plant with the greatest accuracy and account for significant slope and varied topography like never before.


  • Proper field preparation for planting cannot be overstated when it comes to the GPS Planting machine. The better the soil “flows” and allows the GPS planter to operate as designed, the more accurate the planting will be.
  • The following steps describe best practices for a generic field, but results can vary depending on soil compaction, previous planting, and soil composition.
    1. Deep rip the soil 18” deep in the same direction as planting and against the planting direction. This step is paramount as breaking up the subsoil allows the planting crew to control the depth of the furrow.
    2. Cultivate the top 12” of soil very finely. This step ensures that the soil can efficiently fill the furrow and close around the roots of the vine.
    3. For soil management and nutrition, visit OMAFRA
    4. Any other questions, please feel free to contact

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