Clone carrying leaf roll virus 2. Budding and young leaves are more bronzed. Risk of maturity blockage if water stress is too great. Clone appreciated for its growing characteristic and its suitability for producing wines for ageing.
Available in: VineTech Select, VineTech GrowerSelect, VineTech QuickVine
Clone Characteristics
- Fertility: Low to medium
- Production Level: Low
- Cluster Weight: Low
- Vine Vigor: Low
- Berry Size: Low to medium
- Botrytis Sensitivity: Low
Wine Characteristics
- Sugar Potential: High
- Colour Potential: High
- Acidity: Medium
- Tannic Structure: High
- Oenological Characteristics: Colourful and structured wines.
More Cabernet Sauvignon All information has been provided by VineTech’s genetics providers.