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Muscat Ottonel


This variety was obtained by Mr Moreau-Robert in the 19th century. Based on genetic analyses carried out in Montpellier, it would result from the crossbreeding between Chasselas and Muscat d’Eisenstadt.

Registration Information

In France, Muscat Ottonel is officially listed in the “Catalogue of Vine Varieties” on the A list and is classified for wine grapes. This variety is also listed in the catalogues of other Member States of the European Union: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Vine Characteristics

Muscat Ottonel is an early-ripening and low-vigor variety with a horizontal growth habit. It is well adapted to clay-limestone soils and has low susceptibility to chlorosis. However, it is prone to coulure. The bunches are small to medium in size and the berries are medium to large.

Wine Characteristics

This variety has a good sugar potential and can produce aromatic dry wines and liqueur wines.

Susceptibility to Diseases and Pests

Muscat Ottonel is sensitive to downy mildew and Botrytis.

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All information has been provided by VineTech’s genetics providers.

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