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Frontenac gris

Vine Characteristics

Frontenac gris vines grow loose, medium-sized, conical clusters averaging 131 g and typically 18 cm in length. It is a very hardy variety, and in trials it has been proven hardy as low as -35°F. It is as hardy as Frontenac and Frontenac blanc, and marginally less hardy than Itasca. This variety is reliably fruitful on secondary buds that typically are not injured in Minnesota’s cold winters. Frontenac gris has moderately high vigor.

Wine Characteristics

These grapes produce wines with good body and are known for their strong fruity flavors, especially peach and pineapple with hints of honey. Wines are typically produced in a white wine style, with the tint of the skins producing white wines with a hint of salmon color. Depending on the season and winemaking techniques the color can be much darker.

Susceptibility to Diseases and Pests

Frontenac gris performs well against pests, but research done at University of Minnesota vineyards show that it is moderately susceptible to powdery mildew and leaf phylloxera. It has low to moderate susceptibility to black rot, and very low susceptibility to downy mildew and bunch rots, like Botrytis. A fungicide program, especially around bloom, that addresses these pests will help ensure a healthy crop.

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All information has been provided by VineTech’s genetics providers.

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