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Genetic analyses confirm that this grape variety is a cross between Pinot and Gouais Blanc. Its development was initially promoted by the Laquenexy station in Moselle. After 1950, the Colmar Viticulture and Oenology Research Station played a significant role in expanding its cultivation in the Alsace vineyards.

Registration Information

In France, Auxerrois is officially listed in the ‘Catalogue of Vine Varieties’ under List A and is classified for wine grapes. It is also included in the vine catalogues of other European Union member countries, including Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic.

Vine Characteristics

This grape variety is well suited to northern climates and limestone soils. It has moderate vigor and tends to be less fertile when pruned short. Auxerrois has small clusters and berries.

Wine Characteristics

The wines obtained from this variety are quite fine, slightly aromatic wines that tend not to have high acidity.

Susceptibility to Diseases and Pests

Auxerrois is quite sensitive to grape worms, mildew, Botrytis and especially powdery mildew.

Available Clones


Available in: VineTech Select, VineTech GrowerSelect, VineTech International, VineTech QuickVine

Clone Characteristics

  • Fertility: Medium
  • Production Level: Medium
  • Cluster Weight: Medium

Wine Characteristics

  • Sugar Potential: Medium to high
  • Oenological Characteristics: Typical wines of the grape variety.
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